Thursday, March 31, 2016

Student Success Statement
“ I won’t cheat.”
This statement by Dale Murphy is a really good statement. This will help the little leagues and younger leagues that cheating is not right. You should always play fair even if cheating make you better. For example the video that we watched was saying that taking steroids is cheating and the guy that was using steroids was like the guy on the motorcycle. If you want to become better then you just need to try your best and put in hard work. Even if there is a team that is using any body enhancer, it doesn't give you the right to do the same. Most of the time there will be at least one person who is going to choose the wrong and cheat.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Student Success Statement

This is a good quote because he is saying that many stuff matters. There is one thing that matters most. That is having a good character. You can have the grades and the skill to be on a team but if you have a bad character you won’t be part of it. For example, this kid on the baseball team is really good and has good grades but he did not have a good character so he did not get to play this season.
School Break Day

I did not do anything. I just stayed home.I went to the mall and to practice.I also went to Alberts with my friends on Monday. I did not meet anyone. I watched deadpool for the third time. I played Baseball yesterday and i saw my team play.I did not experience any CTR moments. I did not read at all. I didn’t get any homework. Me and my friends are going to make our own team in the summer. I wanted to go to the batting cages but I did not have a ride.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Marine Corps

To become a marine you will have to pass the IST (Initial Strength Test). The IST is a shortened version of the USMC PFT. A recruit only has to do pull-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile run. To pass this test you will have to do

- 2 Pull Ups

- 35 Sit Ups (2 minutes)
- 1.5 Mile Run - 13:30
They will also have to sprint a timed 880 yards, lift a 30-pound ammunition can overhead from shoulder height repeatedly for two minutes, and perform a maneuver-under-fire event, which is a timed 300-yard shuttle run in which Marines are paired up by size and perform a series of combat-related tasks.
Marine Corps Combat Fitness Test (CFT)

Marine Corps Initial Strength Test (IST)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Student Success Statement
"Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly."
This is a good quote because it is saying to ask yourself before you do something. Is it a right thing to do or is it a bad thing to do. Then once you have thought about it clearly you do whats right. Its like when they say to think before you speak becasue its the samething. You need to think about it and then act. Most of the time you will get in trouble because you simply dont think about what you are going to  do first.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Student Success Statement 
"Associate yourself with men of good quality of you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company."
This is a good quote because it is saying that the people that you should be hanging out with are the ones who always choose the right.The people you should be staying away from are the ones who do not choose the right. It is better to be all by yourself at home than to hang out with people who are just going to be a bad influence on you. Dont hang out with non-CTR people because they will never be there for you.
Nursing Home Administrator 

Duties and Responsibilities:
Nursing home administration is a specialized area of medical and health services management. Nursing home administrators work to supervise clinical and administrative affairs of nursing homes and related facilities.

$65,000 - $90,000

Being a nursing home administrator requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree in healthcare administration. However, most nursing home administrators have master's degrees in long-term care administration, health services administration, public health or business administration.

I would like to become that one day but not now. I mean i already do that at home with my grandma and it doesnt really seem like a job to me and they get payed pretty well.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Student Success Statement
"Right is right only when entire."
This is a very true quote because it is saying that it can only be right if you do what's right entirely. For example, if i find a bag of money and i return it to the rightful owner but i take some of the money that was inside it still makes me a bad person. Although i returned the bag, i am taking soemthing that is not mine. The only way to be right is only when it is entirely right.